Sacred Journeys
🌹Join Us🌹
⚜️Ritual Magic⚜️
⚜️Star Based Mystery Teachings⚜️
A Cosmic Rhythms Astrology Retreat
Thur, Feb 27-Sun, March 2, 2025
In the foothills of the Catalina Mountains
Tucson, AZ
🌞Calling all Star Family!
🌞Begin calendar year 2025 envisioning and seeding your most powerful, supportive, light filled version of yourself, your life, your highest mission, and especially your highest dreams for our global collective.
🌞When we seed a dream individually with intention it creates great power, but to do so in tandem with others, can truly change the world, and shift the timeline of our collective and individual fate towards a higher love.
🌞Join me for a luxurious, all-inclusive visionary astrology retreat at an historical, 4-star resort ranch in the foothills of the Catalina Mountains of Tucson, AZ.
🌞My largest retreat yet, VISION explores the most extraordinary astrological transits incoming in 2025 in tandem with your own individual chart, to reveal how to co-create with the universe to fulfill your evolutionary mission as a Soul.
🌞We will use shamanic journeying through guided meditation, make vision boards, engage in ritual, and community build to energize our visions underscored by the cosmic currents, as above, so below.
🌞We will tune into the stunning desert night skies pulsing with stars, including a visible Venus Moon conjunction as we ride the epic cosmic tides incoming and listen….
🌞For on January 12, 2025 the North Node of our collective and individual destiny moves into transcendental, visionary Pisces.
🌞Heralding a new zeitgeist towards beauty, blessings, love, deep mystical dreams, visions, the Otherworldly, the poetic, and the trance states that open the heart…It’s about unity consciousness with the North Node moving into Pisces.
🌞And the more mystically Piscean we become in 2025, the more we shift the trajectory of our life and the lives of our collective global family towards this higher heart activation..
🌞On Feb 27, 2025 we will have a New Moon in Pisces that ignites this new dream with the ruler Neptune conjunct the the North Node at 27 and 28 degrees of Pisces respectively.
🌞On that date we gather in the mystical desert of Arizona to VISION.
🌞Appropriate for all levels of astrological knowledge—from the beginner to the professional.
🌞Couples and extended soul family encouraged!
Limited to 20 participants.
Deposit $444 saves your spot
Early Bird~$100 off rates listed below when you pay in full by the New Moon in Pisces—Sunday, March 10th.
Single $2250
Double $1710
All Rooms include a Private Bathroom.
Remaining due after deposit by Sept 1, 2024
Venmo: Amita Stark or PayPal: marnieamita@gmail.com
5th Annual International
⚜️2025 Rose Priestess Training⚜️
🇬🇧Fully Residential 10 Day Program🇬🇧
In the Heart of Avalon
Glastonbury, England
June 4-14, 2025
Get on the mailing list!
⭐️Charting Your Year Ahead⭐️
Sunday, Sept 8th PART 2
4-6:30pm PST
6-8:30pm CST
7-9:30pm EST
$55 early bird for Part 2 with registration before April 1st or $75 after
Via Venmo: Amita Stark or PayPal: marnieamita@gmail.com
Align your annual course like the ancient wisdom keepers did—in harmony with the astrological new year that ignites with the Spring Equinox on March 19th!
This 2 1/2 hour immersion is laser focused on the most important charts of the Spring and Summer including the major eclipses in Libra and Aries on March 25th and April 8th. Predictions for all signs!
A chart imprints an energetic signature of potential.
Use the energy to its best advantage!
This is an ideal immersion for those of youthat want to improve your astrology chartreading skills or just want to know in detail what’s upcoming!
Part 2 on Sept 8th: addresses Fall Eclipses in Pisces and Libra, Fall Equinox chart, winter solstice chart, and more!
⚡️Eclipses~Omens in the Chart⚡️
Thursday, March 21st
Via Zoom live and recorded
4:30-6:30pm PST
6:30-8:30PM CST
7:30-9:30pm EST
$55 Preregistration⚡️
via Venmo: Amita Stark or PayPal: marnieamita@gmail.com
All about eclipses! Omens of the ancients…king makers…king killers…eclipses are the most powerful Star talk of the divine hand….
How do you spot them in a natal chart?
What does it mean to be born under an eclipse?
What do the upcoming 4 eclipses in 2024 portend?
Join us!
All 2024 domestic and international retreats are full. Email to get on the waitlist for any additional openings.
🏺Colorado 2024🏺
🌹Priestess Arts of Hathor~Working with Egyptian Oils
May 15-19, 2024
✨Malta 2024✨
🌀Ancient Temple Mysteries of the Stars
Oct 12-19, 2024
🍎Avalon 2024🍎
~Witch of the West~
A Morgana Devotional
Sept 29-Oct 6, 2024
🛡Cornwall 2024🛡
A Mystic’s Journey for Men + Women
with Amita-Sofia
Sept 24-28, 2024
🛡Sacred Wells, Ancient Stone Circles, Arthurian Castles, & Merlin Sites woven into a 4 day tour highlighting the most magical spots in Cornwall filled with legends, ritual, intention, and community.
🛡This pilgrimage to Cornwall will include not only the most beautiful stone circles and mystical healing wells, but will take you to mysterious St Michael’s Mount and Tintagel~epic birthplace of King Arthur.
⚔️Held in conjunction with the Avalon Witch of the West Pilgrimage in Glastonbury Sept 29-Oct 6th, this is the ideal pre-tour to enter into the temenos of Grail energy Avalon where we literally journey from the Arthur focus of Tintagel at the windswept edge of Britain to the Morgana Devotional in the multidimensional mist of Avalon.
⚔️For those of also on the Avalon 2024 this will be an epic journey of the Soul moving from the courageous masculine King codes of Arthur to the multidimensional feminine Witch Codes of Morgana.
What it includes:
🛡Group Airport Transfer from Bristol Airport to Hotel in Penzance and return trip to Glastonbury
🛡Gorgeous Accommodations at Hotel Penzance and legendary Camelot Castle in Tintagel overlooking the Sea
🛡Private Driver and Luxury Van to all sites
🛡All Site entrance fees
🛡Transformational soul journey through Ritual, Activations, Transmissions, and Magic at each sacred site
What it does not include:
🛡Lunch and dinner costs
$444 deposit per person saves your spot via Venmo: Amita Stark or PayPal: marnieamita@gmail.com
Remaining $1450 due by Oct 1st