“This program was an invaluable safe space for me to shed the layers of my false self in a way where I felt safe, seen, and unconditionally supported.
What an empowering and liberating journey to learn how to truly dance with my shadow.
The ancient wisdom and sacred practices that Amita offered gave me the tools I needed to turn my wounds into gold and come into greater alignment with my authentic expression.
By the end of the Rosa Mystica program I actually felt like I was reborn as a truer version of myself, standing taller than ever before in my sovereignty and in the power of my heart.
Being witnessed in my alchemical transformation within the container of sisterhood was so deeply healing.
I cannot recommend this program enough to anyone looking to dive deep into their own personal transformation using ancient myth, astrology and tantric teachings as a guiding light along the way.”
—Sara Virginia Hopman, Rosa Mystica 2020-21
“I have a hard time finding the words to express how much this group of women has met me over the past year.
It didn’t seem to matter that some of them I have only known in this circle and online, the powerful connection, and support I felt was just like I have felt on an in person retreat.
Amita provides so much knowledge and support as our teacher, friend and confidant throughout the process of traveling to the underworld and then rising with a truer level of our true self.
Overall I am so grateful to be on the journey of the Rose and don’t know where I would without this group! Thank you!”
—Morgana, Rosa Mystica 2020-21
“Rosa Mystica became a true lifeline for me during the course of 2020.
As many were (and still are), I found myself mentally and spiritually adrift, separated from my Cosmic Anchor, untethered in our collective wreckage and grief.
Amita and Rosa Mystica gave me a beacon, a literal lighthouse to find my way back to my own practices, to my Holy Ones, and ultimately, to myself.
With that came a sisterhood of seekers, wayshowers, friends to see and hear and gather with.
After suffering a life-threatening injury in October of 2020, Rosa Mystica has been a necessary component of my healing processes.
The Meditations and Mantras that Amita guides us through have been yet another ray of cosmic light, renewing every level of my being with vibratory energic healing.
Amita’s tantric lineage is made visible as she weaves the threads of Mystery, Mythos, Astrology and the ancient lines of the Goddess paths into a shimmering, luminous tapestry that reflects our lives, supporting us with ancient Cosmic Wisdom.
Rosa Mystica is not a “one and done” program. It resonates through history and timeless space into our existence, into Now.
Rosa Mystica is a becoming, a way of being.”
—Wendy, Rosa Mystica 2020-21
🌹Here’s what else people are saying:
“The Rose Panther Reading was beyond ANYTHING I have experienced. To have someone with Amita’s depth of knowledge, scholarship and seership, look into the wheel of our lives and decode the complexities, is a gift from the Goddesses themselves..
I am still in a haze from yesterday! If one can be simultaneously stunned and energized to action, I am that one.”—W.M.
“Thank you so much Amita for the beautiful reading! I am still stunned by it! It explains so much...”—F.N.
“I have had many readings which give many clues to self understanding, and this one stood out dramatically. I highly recommend this to anyone who has a deep connection with ancient Egypt. Thank you Amita..”—S.B.
Amita’s Pranayama and Tantric Energies, Parts 1 & 2 trainings are brilliant! As a yoga therapist, I attended Part 1 to deepen my understanding of pranayama to use with clients. It was perfect for this, and I am still playing with all I have learned in my body. Part 2 scaffolded off of this training and included work with the mudras and bhandas. Spiritually, both classes have taken my personal yoga practice to a much richer, deeper level. Even more, her teachings have kindled a fire in me to dive into the study of tantra. Amita is lighthearted and playful, and studying with her is a delight.”
“The insight I gained from having a past life regression with Amita has been life changing. The trauma that I once carried from my past into this life experience now can be healed & let go through this awareness that was once hidden.
So grateful.”
— H.K.
“I have wanted to do a past life regression for a long time but had been waiting for the right person; Amita is the one! I received answers to some important questions I’ve had and saw myself in other places in time; a truly remarkable experience.”
— K.S.
“Amita guided me in a safe, loving, and supportive way to a place deep within my soul. With her help, treasures from the deep were uncovered, treasures that will aid in my continued journey of healing and self transformation. I highly recommend Amita to anyone interested in this work.”
— C.S.
“Amita put me right at ease. She has a grounding presence that is palpable and wraps you in a space of safety and peace. Amita guided me through two Soul memories that were rich in detail and extremely informative and relevant to my current point in this life’s journey. I came away from this experience with a tremendous gift of knowledge with which to percolate and meditate upon so I can put this new understanding to good use. Healing use. Amita is great medicine and I look forward to working with her again and again!”
— L.H.
“Feeling a little “stuck” in my relationships and shaken up by the sudden changes in my career life, I decided to explore past life regression with Amita in hopes it would illuminate my path. My experience was very rewarding! Amita explained the entire process to me before we began, and I was completely comforted by her soothing voice. I was able to experience a past life- which (for me) was a little like seeing a movie you’ve seen before- with accompanying physical sensations. The past life regression experience, and the discussion with Amita following the session- shed light on how my past life experiences and relationships are connected to my current life’s relationships and overall life-purpose. It gave me a lot of comfort and trust in my intuition and in life’s mysterious ways. Thank you Amita!”